Wanna guess what's inside?
It's nothing super exciting like race wheels or a carbon fiber Guru. I haven't worn my husband down mentally enough to let me order yet. Heehee
It's somewhat practical and I know I'll use it.
I'll give some hints:
You usually see it at the gym.
It's used to help strengthen you back.
I decided to get this because I don't have time to run up to the gym after swimming and I miss using it in conjunction with ab work.
what is it? what is it?????
keep working on the guru thing...guys eventually break down.
A Roman chair???????? Did I win???? :)
Nope! :-)
DAM......how about a Ab Lounger??????? ANYWAYS..like you need any ab work...looks rock hard to me :)
It can't be a TheraBall all squished up in a box?
Just spent an afternoon last week at Fitwerx with a friend who is getting a custom Guru. They are hot, hot, hot bikes!
(I just got the shims taken off my cycling shoe--nothing too exciting there!)
Did you get a tready??? Hmm, whatever it is congrats! AND I like the idea to hide the evidence before the man sees it! ha ha
Hmmm, come on tell us....
E ;-)
Okay, what is it...? AND I think you and the candy man have a thing going on too- didn't you have candy hearts last week, this week is Sweedish Fish???
Bosu ball. That is my guess. I just got one for my birthday for that purpose so I am guessing it is the same thing. Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. Have a great day!
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