Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Goodbye May!

Days that have passed since I signed up for Mt Tremblant
Weeks I have before I toe the line

 is sorting itself out quite nicely. The general goal: a steady build up of riding and running, but if I didn't feel like training some days, I didn't. There will be plenty of time for structure as June and July roll in and those months will be the
 The goal was to feel very comfortable with a 90-minute run and 3:30 in the saddle by the 30th of May.  Done and done.
I've been riding with a great group out of West Concord MA
most weekends and it keeps me on my toes. So much, the desire to ride alone is far from enticing. I work just as hard if not harder when riding with them. The dynamics are always changing for any given ride, but I'm honing my skills at pace lining, that is certain. So much, that I feel very comfortable either pulling in the front, nestled in the middle or being the last rider responsible for calling out approaching cars. I'm super aware of everything around me and I want us all to be safe.  I have favorite people I trust and ride inches from their wheel and  I hope other cyclists in the group feel the same behind me.  Yesterday on a Pack Monadock Century, I got my answer. " Hadar" a regular in our group, told me at the end  of  our trek, I'm smooth and steady and he feels totally comfortable right on my wheel. How nice is that?  Hugs buddy! Granted this isn't going to help me for an ironman, but It forces me to get out of my comfort zone.

As June approaches, things will start to ramp up. My ultimate goal is to get to that starting line fresh and ready to go albeit undertrained if that's how the chips fall. We can all agree it's going to be painful whether you've been training for 9 months or doing the Cliff Notes version. The best part is it takes all the pressure off. No injuries and daisy fresh-That is the present goal.

Another fun item in store for me next month is a  metabolic efficiency test at Inside Out Human Performance with owner Caroline Kavanagh.  How do I know Caroline?  Well for one, she's in my age group and consistently crushes me at any given local triathlon we both happen to be at.  She is quite the athlete and I'm super excited to work with her in getting my body to burn fat efficiently  instead of those limited stores of carbohydrates we tend to use up way too prematurely during training and racing. Admittedly, I feel a bit doughy as well and I'm looking forward to getting my diet to work better for me especially for the upcoming months.

My partner in crime for this little adventure (a 25 time Ironman finisher 12 rounds in Kona) wasn't 100% in but confirmed today he's IN-IN.
"Just following up w you on this…Looks like my body may cooperate enough to race w Elaine at IMMT"

No sense suffering on my own for the abridged training program (alcohol included and strongly encouraged)
Let's get this party started.

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

It's A Woman's Perogative

I decided to do something a bit impulsive and thought it might make for some decent entertainment (think train wreck) so I'm resurrecting 
this cobweb infested blog in case anyone wants to see the outcome of this experiment. If by chance it goes better than planned, I'm leaving my day job, writing a how-to book and going on a book signing tour( exotic locations only)
As of April 15th, I was happy to repeat my entire race season of 2014. I did just
enough racing last season that felt balanced and most importantly fun. I set simplistic goals
and got my sorry a$$  back into shape without
getting injured and with the fun factor being utmost important. I found some self-control and didn't spiral into a mac & cheese/brownie relapse this winter. So with that, I'm ahead of the game in terms of not having to dig myself out of the winter sedentary black hole.

All was going well up until a week ago and suddenly I decided pushing the reset button and repeating the entire season as I did last year seemed less desirable.
Without an ounce of alcohol to blame on my impulsiveness, suddenly I was mumbling, "Where do I send my check?"
 And so, the drama begins...

I'm never getting this tat

I'm officially signed up for an Ironman Mt Tremblant August 16th. But here's the best part: I JUST
signed up for it today.
Here are some fun facts to back up why this decision most undoubtedly questions
my sanity.

*I have approximately 100 days (give or take) to prepare.
*My last ironman distance race was Lake Placid 2004
* I consider myself an injury waiting to happen. I'm convinced my frame is assembled with snappy
little toothpicks and dried up rubber bands for tendons.
My last 70.3 race was in 2009 and that one was a cluster f of a day I was happy to forget.
I actually had to go look up on Athlinks to confirm this. Yup, 2009- last 1/2 ironman.  Wow...
 and to think I used to love the 70.3 distance. It was by far my favorite.
Lake Placid 2004 (Notice the spectators riveted to my finish  shuffle)

I can't even quite put my finger on what triggered the idea, but all it took
was a teammate to say  "Let's do it."
The Team Mate

This is EXACTLY what got me in trouble in grade school.My report card often read:"Elaine needs
to pay attention to the work in front of her instead of what her classmates are doing around her. She is impulsive at times and often exhibits poor judgment skills." My mom will attest to my 
academically inspired social skills. Seriously... I don't make this shit up. Grade school party girl front and center.

I'll be updating the adventure here often. Not so much specific workouts, b.o.r.i.n.g...but more like
how many times a day I manage to say, "I'm not doing this" How I can consume an entire sleeve of Fig Newtons at 3 am from the sudden increase in my *activity*, and my success at not falling asleep with sharp instruments in people's mouths during the day from the fatigue.

Let's get this party started!!

Thanks for stopping by