Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Goodbye 2010!

Merry Christmas!

 Lots of changes ahead for me and I have my arrow drawn and aimed at 2011. Let's hope I hit the target. The injury free target that is. I have not been injury free with a solid triathlon season since 2007. That feels like a very long time ago and frankly,I've become crispy fried from picking my healed-but doughy-self up, building back my fitness only to face another injury and back through the cycle again. I cannot look back at those injuries and honestly say I learned from how and why they occurred. Freakish bad luck? That is all I can say about that.
I know it's only December, but the thought of signing up for a race, having a daily training schedule with 2 disciplines is so far off my internal radar it's as if I have never done it before.
Quite bizarre considering how anguished and impatient I would be during any one particular dreadful injury that occurred. I swear, I created so much  needless stress on myself I probably prolonged  my healing  far too concerned about all the fitness I was losing while watching my planned season shatter into pieces.
I've lost so much ground in the 3 years not being able to train consistently,  It's fair to say I probably won't ever match the times I did that year of 2007.  I'll consider it the peak of my short lived amateur age group go at it.  2007 was a fantastic year for me after many yearly cycles of training, exposure to different distances, and just the cumulative build up one acquires honing a skill. Of course at the time, I only wanted to get faster and NEVER  was completely satisfied with what I accomplished.  Funny how 3 years can put that all in perspective.
Circa 2007
So what have I learned from all of this?  ENJOY and SAVOR and be CONTENT with what you have and what you can do right here and now whether it just being healthy or finally grasping that brass ring and getting yourself to Kona for what could be one time.  We spend way too much time worrying what others are accomplishing (ok, I do!) and perhaps setting the bar  just a wee bit high for ourselves (ok me..) only to realize what one has already accomplished is far more than most people will ever do. Getting caught up in each morsel we put in our mouth, spending 4 hours perched  on a Computrainer, (nope, never done this)  and  thinking the sheer fact of sacrifice  is the key to success can be convoluted and
ultimately very very disappointing.

I've suddenly  found myself completely disengaged with the notion of training and racing  triathlon this coming year and with that I had to make the very difficult decision to leave Team Trakkers and the most awesome supportive sponsors that make that team what it is.  Even more importantly, Charlie Patten, Carole Sharpless, and Michael Lovato  are the backbone of this team and clearly without them, it would be nothing.  I will miss being part of this great organization and  I am very grateful I was part of it since it's inception.This will REALLY sink in come March when the team is gearing up for a solid season of racing, sponsors are in place, team kits are dispersed and I'm not part of  it.  eeeeks..... I guess I will cross that bridge when I come to it but I know it will be hard pill to swallow.

 So what do I have in store? Well you can be certain I'm not going to become a bon bon eating (pink) couch sloth, that is for sure.  I'm still deciding, so you'll just have tune in regularly to:

As Trigirlpink's World Turns

Until then, I wish you a fun filled peaceful holiday and a very happy successful 2011 to each and everyone
of you.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas Nostalgia/ A Few Of My Favorite Things

 Don't laugh, I have a bid on one of these right now. My grandmother  had one proudly displayed in her living room when I was no more than 6-7 and I've NEVER forgotten how cool I thought this was.  Think mini TGP with saucer eyes, mouth agape staring  trance like at the tree
And if I win that retro classic aluminum shiny tree, I will need this
Be it Thanksgiving or Christmas, this is always on the table. It goes back to my Great Grandmother
These or clove spicy gum drops remind me of Christmas as a kid
This is a CLASSIC 1971 cartoon version of A Christmas Carol. Do you remember it?
Marly's ghost is creepy even in this Richard Willams cartoon rendition. You cannot find this on DVD or VHS. Bookmark it and watch later!